Writers are always learning. In this series of articles on how to write a novel, our experts share the insights they’ve gained on their own writing journeys—on everything from how to get started to sharing your work with others. Let their experiences help grow your writing confidence!

Coming Up With Character Ideas For Stories
When it comes to matters related to writing, it’s often hard to explain how exactly to do it…or approach it…or replicate it every time. Take character creation for example. I’ve often been asked how I […]

Tips on How to Write a Good Story
As a “writer’s writer”, it’s my opinion that a good story is not only one that succeeds in making a connection with readers—it’s one that the author enjoyed writing. I don’t mean that every moment […]

Guidelines on How to Write A Book
Broadly speaking, there are three approaches to writing a book: diving right in at the first spark of an idea (often called the “pantser” approach, as in: writing-by-the-seat-of-your-pants), planning your story in advance (known as […]

Early Reviews of The One Week Writing Workshop on NetGalley
The One Week Writing Workshop book by Karin Adams launches soon on October 17, 2024. It’s an action-based handbook for aspiring novelists, covering essential novel writing concepts while taking writers through a series of novel-building […]

How to Write a Book With No Experience
How does someone pull off writing that first novel? Can you tell me how to write a book with no experience? No, I can’t. Because no one has done it. And you can’t either. It’s […]

How to Write a Novel Opening
Sometimes, a story’s opening lines seem to come to you effortlessly. You listen to the muse, you write, and your words open a door to step through, helping you to keep on drafting. Ahhh…this is […]